Flexi Ply

The most flexible ply | Mould it into any Shape

Flex it, Bend it, Without any Tension

Best Flexi Ply Manufacturers in Siliguri

Information Desk about Flexi Ply and Usage

Flexi Ply - The Eight wonder of the world

Flexi Ply, as the name suggests, is an extremely flexible form of plywood used to design complex architectural and interior elements, when normal plywood will tend to develop cracks, or breakages. Flexi Ply can withstand any form of bending, moulding, and can be designed intricately as per the client requirements.

With Flexi ply, the furniture can get a smooth and seamless edge and also a single sheet look and feel. It allows one to give shape to new furniture concepts without intensive efforts, thus resulting in a wide range of creations in the furniture world. Because of its flexibility and easy working properties, the work of the carpenter gets easy and quick, which is otherwise difficult, and time-consuming. Hence this plywood is very carpenter friendly as well.

How are Flexi Ply Made?

In regular plywood, the grains of each layer are pressed in a perpendicular direction in order to promote its rigidity. Whereas in Flexi ply all the grains run in the same direction giving the plywood is the bendy property and unmatched flexibility - all without losing its structural integrity.

When to use Flexi Ply?

Flexi Ply is to be used in interior elements like lamp stands, decorative structures, staircases, and any seemingly complex designs where normal ply will tend to break or crack.

FAQs on Flexi Ply
Flexi Ply Technical Specifications

Flexi Ply - For Enchanting Designs

We take pride in providing you the best flexi ply in Siliguri, Sikkim and North Bengal region that comes with a 30 years warranty. Our flexi ply is not just strong but durable, economical and can be moulded to design amazing interior spaces.

Technical Specifications

Termite & Borer Proof
Borer - Termite Proof
Highly Calibrated
Highly Calibrated
Zero Gap
Zero Gap Plywood
30 Years Warranty
30 Years Warranty
Boiling Water Proof
Boiling Water Proof
High Density Smooth Surface
High Density Smooth Surface

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